Reviews by Danny Onforo

The Red Canvas-2009


Director : Kenneth H. Chamitoff

Producer : Tobe Sexton

Writer : Kenneth H. Chamitoff

Genre : MMA/Action/Drama

Running time :

Rating : Pg-13

Cast : John Savage, Ernie Reyes Jr., Maria Conchita Alonso, Johnny Sanchez, Harbin Rask, Ernie Reyes Sr. 


           Stero-typical martial arts action movie. Although the acting isn't as bad as most, and the fight scenes are pretty good, but the soundtrack is really bad as an example, in the opening scene Voight's monologue is almost completely drowned out by the "background" music. However, The fight scenes are great, and well choerographed.
   The story is indeed typical. A bad boy from the streets gives up everything for fighting and takes the wrong path in life, which disappoints his family. And now the only way to get back everyhting he lost from fighting is to get back in the ring for a big final fight. of course we have the training montage and the kindly old trainer delivers the wisdoms of life. The opening scene that explains the RED CANVAS was a white canvas where Viet-Nam POW were forced to fight to the death. however it was stained red from the blood of the fighters. The main cast is filled with unknowns, but a few recognizable names have been included for billing purposes. Even though the better known actors aren't main characters, the remaining cast manages to carry the movie thru to the end. However, The fight scenes are great, and well choerographed.
         I really feel that a better ending for this film and more competent mixing on the soundtrack with a little tighter editing and a few more fight scenes would have greatly improved the overall movie.
The leading actor Ernie Reyes Jr. Ive seen in other films and he is a good actor who is able to carry on a fight scene with finesse. And he actually makes the character believable in this film. I
If you are just looking for something new to check out, and feel like watching some decent action and fights, then this movie is for you.

5/10 Stars

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